Strategic Research group DBT
In September 2017, a research group has been established carrying the name SO-DGT (Strategic Research Group Dialectical Behaviour Theory Belgium-the Netherlands). This group aims to coordinate, support, and expand research on DBT within Belgium and the Netherlands. As is known, DBT is based on research and there is a research DGT tradition. The starting point of DBT is, after all, that the therapists should handle effectively, and with continuous research it can be analyzed if it works what one is doing.
We organize a research day twice a year in which we show where researchers are working on. Everyone who is interested in research and DBT is more than welcome for these meetings. We assume that our presentations will lead to discussion, which could generate new ideas and possibly lead to the widening of research.
So far the researched of DBT (or of to DBT related topics) have predominantly operated alone or within the context of a university hospital. With the establishment of this group we want to make a connection which enables getting to know about initiatives, sharing information, and initiating/supporting research on DBT in a broader sense.

SO-DGT participates in the yearly international meeting of DBT researchers in the USA. Dialexis supports the activities of this research group where possible. Naturally the research itself is independent of Dialexis as a training institute. To secure the research, universities that are involved in ongoing research on DBT are asked to perform as a host for the research days. We strive to continuously let a different university (in the Netherlands or Belgium) be a host. Participants are:
- Wies van den Bosch; research on clinical DBT and the effect of network trainings (Dialexis Advies, Scelta, Radboud University)
- Roland Sinnaeve; research on biological mechanisms with regard to emotion regulation (Dialexis, Catholic University Leuven)
- Anne Huntjens; research on treatment effectiveness of DBT for suicidal persons with an autism spectre disorder (Parnassia Groep, Free University Amsterdam)
- Hanneke van Leeuwen; research on online aftercare DBT (Vincent van Gogh voor Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg)
- Barbara Montagne; research on the processing of emotional stimuli in persons with bordeline personality disorder and the effects of treatment on this processing (GGZ Centraal, ROM Oostelijk Utrecht, Zwaluw & Enk, Innova)
Below you can find references to literature about DBT. If new literature about DBT has been published that is not part of any of the lists below please let us know by emailing at
The references are ordered in three categories: