Wies (L.M.C.) van den Bosch is a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist and supervisor (DBT, VPeP, and VGCt). She has held various board and management positions in addiction care, psychiatry and forensic psychiatry. She has introduced and implemented DBT in the Netherlands and is the founder of Dialexis. Wies obtained her PhD on a study about the effectiveness of DBT in addicted and non-addicted borderline patients.
Wies is an internationally certified DBT therapist (Linehan Institute Seattle), and a member of the transitional board of the International Association of DBT. She is the initiator and co-founder of the Dutch Treatment Center DBT (NB-DGT), and she also works at the consultancy company Synthis.
Wies provides supervision and team consultations in DBT within the mental health and judicial field. Empowerment of patients based on DBT principles and the prevention of burnout of employees are central there.